Friday, January 14, 2011

A day at the museum

Well, it's been a busy few weeks around here. Mia's been breaking in all her new toys....which means I've attended more tea parties than I can count in the past few days! Chris's schedule is as busy as ever and I've been sewing up a storm while getting ready to open up a shop on Today we all took a day off and spent the better part of the day at the Pittsburgh Children's Museum. The first room is Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Mia has no clue about that show yet, but the exhibit was very nostalgic for me! She loved the traffic light, the peek a boo ABC wall and the trolley.

After Mr. Rogers, we went into the "garage". Very cool. Mia loved the car track slide. Another kid snatched a car right out of her hand. I was so proud of Mia for not crying or anything when that happened! And happy that that kid's mom scolded her child and made it give it back...that's not always something that happens these days.

Done in the garage, on to the Air exhibit. I was less than excited. I mean, it's air. How exciting can it be? Turns out it's pretty fun when you add bubbles and parachutes! Mia had a blast in there. She and Chris did her first "science experiment" together. They built a parachute out of a coffee filter, twist ties and a popsicle stick. Then Mia got to put it in an air tube and watch it fly up and float down.

We weren't the least bit surprised that Mia loved the bubble so much. She asks for bubbles daily at home. She was a soaked, bubble juice mess when she was done, but isn't part of learning getting dirty?

Once she was de-bubbled, we headed upstairs to the nursery play room. We were happy to see that the room was pretty empty and we could let Mia go nuts. She immediately went to the train tables. She has a train puzzle at home where she has to stack blocks to make it a train. So when she saw the train cars and blocks, she started doing what she know best! Build the train!

The sensory table was filled with birdseed. Digging, scooping and pouring was fun!

And we learned today that we need a giant lite-brite at home. I think she spent more time here than at anything in the museum. She liked to identify the colors. She would bring a peg to Chris or I and correct us if we told her the wrong color!

When we asked her if she was ready to leave, she firmly said "NO". Guess she had a fun day!


  1. Glad you guys had such a great day! Can't wait to see your store.

  2. Great blog & pics. It was well worth the wait :)
